P.S. I have all of them already in the studio too!
You Should Treat Yourself With Some of These!
(even if just to do dishes in them and feel like a spicy goddess)
One of the most common questions I get from clients once they book me is “what should I bring? What to wear for my boudoir session?” It’s hard to know what photographs well and should you bring lots of stuff or only few, lingerie or not… It takes away from fun and excitement when you start worrying about these types of details.
Well, that’s why you have me 🙂 Not only I have over 600 pieces of lingerie, shoes, accesories and props in studio in many sizes and styles, I also help guiding you in what to bring to make sure your shoot feels like YOU. Upon booking you will receive lingerie guide that will tell you what styles to avoid, what looks good for your body shape and what photographs bad, but what if you just hate lingerie in general?
Perhaps you want to wear something different, but still feel sensual and stunning?
This list has tons of different sexy things to bring that will photograph amazing and make you feel so good about yourself!
There sat the man, in actual flesh, whom I had heard of so many thousands of times since that day, thirty years before, when his name shot suddenly to the zenith from a Crimean battlefield, to remain forever celebrated. It was food and drink to me to look, and look, and look at that demigod; scanning, searching, noting: the quietness, the reserve, the noble gravity of his countenance
Most phenomenal and astonishing luckiness.
He is just as good and sweet and lovable and unpretending as a man can be, but he doesn't know enough to come in when it rains.
Step 04
Step 03
Step 02
Step 01
Justo Fermentum Cursus.
Egestas Lorem Sollicitudin.
Malesuada Dapibus Risus.
Dapibus Vulputate Cursus.

He is just as good and sweet and lovable and unpretending as a man can be, but he doesn't know enough to come in when it rains. Now that is absolutely true. He is the supremest ass in the universe; and until half an hour ago nobody knew it but himself and me. He has been pursued, day by day and year by year, by a most phenomenal and astonishing luckiness. He has been a shining soldier in all our wars for a generation.
The simple honesty that expressed itself all over him
he has littered his whole military life with blunders, and yet has never committed one that didn't make him a knight or a baronet or a lord or something. Look at his breast; why, he is just clothed in domestic and foreign decorations.
The simple honesty that expressed itself all over him
he has littered his whole military life with blunders, and yet has never committed one that didn't make him a knight or a baronet or a lord or something. Look at his breast; why, he is just clothed in domestic and foreign decorations.